BASIS Vinschgau VenostaSilandro, Italy
Focus areas


BASIS Vinschgau Venosta is a social activation hub in Silandro, the largest town in northern Italy’s Venosta Valley. Despite having many of the amenities of a much larger city—including several educational institutions, a historic centre, industrial and artisan zones, and cultural spaces—Silandro suffers from economic stagnation and rural brain drain. BASIS works to reverse these trends by functioning as a launchpad for creative entrepreneurship, culture initiatives, and sustainable development projects throughout the Venosta Valley. Housed in a former fascist military barracks, BASIS Vinschgau Venosta’s integrated spaces include a coworking office, a multi-functional event space, culinary kitchen lab, workspaces and ateliers, and four residency apartments.
Local goals
Balancing the strengthening of rural areas
Balancing the strengthening of rural areas and with an ecological-social economic development and social development.
Bringing people together in one space
Bringing people together in one space under an umbrella social cooperatives working together as a platform in order to enable a supply circle which addresses local needs.
Having an impact on the local and regional building sector
Having an impact on the local and regional building sector through the sustainable renovation and construction of the space, prototyping the new construction transition, employing circular economy for the building, and promoting knowledge transfer.
Capacity building and providing space
Capacity building and providing space for transdisciplinary experimentation.