InCommOnThessaloniki, Greece
Focus areas
Climate ActionEliminating pollution
InCommOn is a civil non-profit that promotes sustainable and participatory urban development in Greek cities. Environmental and community-based urban change initiatives in Greece often lack the necessary institutional support and professional training to make a lasting impact. As a result, groups that try to launch such projects tend to be viewed as fringe, disorganised and ineffective. InCommOn disrupts this cycle by providing the space, training, networking, and financial support that these initiatives need to reach their full potential. InCommOn also uses bottom-up and participatory design strategies to help ensure that vulnerable and underrepresented populations can be involved in building and shaping their communities. InCommOn supports initiatives in the environment, social innovation, culture, and education.Local goals
Provide funds and visibility
Provide funds and visibility to 8 to 14 small-scale self-organised projects, creating stable, efficient mechanisms for vulnerable population groups in particular to participate in a self-organised initiative.
Enable groups to flourish
Enable groups to flourish within Greece which promote and support systemic change and can demonstrate that local self-organisation on a small scale can and will create loci of larger scale change and policy.
Fostering small-scale community organisation
Fostering small-scale community organisation on a neighborhood level, supporting the ability of these to develop and be replicated at a municipal and city-wide level, which can then be upscaled to a regional level through interaction with the relevant authorities and wider stakeholders and result in policy change.
Provide the means for the creation of a space for dialogue
Provide the means for the creation of a space for dialogue, co-education and active citizenship through processes that facilitate and encourage actions and initiatives by and for the residents (involving anything from the use of open public spaces, the use of empty buildings, how to create community events for environmental change, the management of common resources etc, as well as platforms for networking and intercommunity support).